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CLI: calling line identity

CPS: calls persecond

ACD:Average Call Duration measures the average length of time a call remains connected.

PDD:Post Dial Delay measures the amount of time after the user dials a phone number till the time the user hears a ring-back tone.

LRN:Location Routing Number,a unique 10-digit telephone number assigned to each switch. The LRN approach made it possible to introduce LNP without radically changing the Public Switched Telephone Network.

Location Routing Number (or LRN) is a unique number that uses the format of a telephone number, but actually represents an entire telephone switch through which multiple telephone numbers are routed. The assignment of a local routing number to telephone numbers allows for .

ANI: Automatic number identification. 自动识别呼叫者电话号码
CLI:   in Europe like ANI.
Caller ID (caller identification, CID), also called calling line identification (CLID), calling number delivery (CND), calling number identification (CNID) or calling line identification presentation (CLIP).Caller ID allows the person being called to see the number (and sometimes the name) of the person calling them, when they have the correct equipment to receive the callerid information. Caller id is often an added value (i.e extra cost) service from your telco. You can usually withhold sending of the caller id on outgoing calls by dialling a special code before the number.
Caller ID (caller identification ,CID), 也被叫做Calling line identification (CLID)或者 calling caller ID(CNID), 它是一种电话服务,在模拟电话、电子电话系统、和符合VoIP(Voice over Internet Protocol)等的应用中经常见到。它可以在通话时把自己电话号码传给接电话的人,显示的时间段是电话响铃,也就是通话建立,但是还没有被接电话的人拿起电话的那段时间。也就是来电显示。
有的时候,Caller ID还包含姓名信息。当然,这个涉及到隐私问题,需要本人同意才可。Caller ID可能会产生一些问题,比如存在Caller ID欺骗的可能性。

DID: means Direct Inward Dialing. It is a number (or a range of numbers) which can be used to receive calls. Voxbone's DID product name is VoxDID and refers to geographic or national telephone numbers.

DDI:  Same as DID.  In the USA people use the term DID (Direct Inward Dialing) whereas in Europe people use the term DDI (Direc Dial-In).

What is CPC and what does it stand for?

CPC stands for Calling Party Category. It identifies the call origin and enables you to benefit from a differentiated price structure, especially for toll-free numbers.  ordinary or cellular or payphone

DNIS:  DNIS stands for Dialed Number Identification Service and can allow you to route the call based on the dialed number.

ring back

回铃音是电话系统中当一个主叫拨通一个号码听到的断续的声音,而此时线路的远端将收到一个响铃的信号。它可以由被叫用户或主叫用户的服务交换产生,而不是由被叫设备产生。回铃音也被称作是audible, audible ringing tone, ringback tone以及ringtone。
A ringback tone (or ringing tone) is an audible indication that is heard on the telephone line by the caller while the phone they are calling is being rung. It is normally a repeated tone, designed to assure the calling party that the called party's line is ringing, although the ring-back tone may be out of sync with the ringing signal.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringback_tone)

LEC: 本地交换电信局.本地交换局是LEC的本地电话总局。从家庭或商务终端连接到本地交换局。本地交换局还连接到其他的交换电信局,或者是内部交换电信局,例如长途交换电信局AT&T,MCI和Sprint。http://www.elecfans.com/baike/tongxingjishu/jichuzhishi/20100306180308.html

LEC(本地交换电信公司)在特定的授权的服务区域(基本是业务垄断)运作,该区域称为LATA(本地接入和传输区域)。LATA的边界定义了本地业务终止和长途业务开始的界线。一个LATA具有一个或多个电话区号。LEC可以是现任电信公司和竞争性接入提供商之一。本地电信公司通常在同一LATA中具有若干交换局(称为中心局或CO)。IXC(长途电信公司)是在任何在LEC之间提供业务的长途电信业务提供商,如美国的AT&T、MCI或US Sprint。 IXC要求LEC提供IXC入网点(接口)。IXC所使用的通信设备有光缆、地面微波塔和卫星微波系统。大多数长途电话除了需要由长途通信公司的骨干网传输之外,在两端还要使用LEC连接(但长途通信量大的一些用户能直接连接他们的IXC入网点)。任何超出一个LATA区域的通信都被认为是长途通信,并且由长途电信局(IXC)处理。长途电信局包括AT&T、MCI和US Sprint等公司。法律要求LEC必须为IXC提供一个访问点(point-of-present,一种接口)。IxC拥有的通信设备包括光纤缆线、基于地面的微波塔和基于卫星的微波系统。

Local access and transport area (LATA) is a term used in U.S. telecommunications regulation. Generally, a LATA represents an area within which a   (RBOC) is permitted to offer  telecommunications and exchange access services. Under the terms of the MFJ, the RBOCs are generally prohibited from providing services that originate in one LATA and terminate in another.

CIC,Circuit Identification Code的缩写,在通信系统中的中文解释一般为“电路识别码”,在电信网络作互连互通时经常用到.

其中CIC的最低5位表示分配给话路的实际时隙号, 其余7位 表示起源点和目的点的PCM系统识别码。 


ILEC:  传统的本地固网交换运营商(CLEC未出现前就存在的).传统供应商指的是在引入电信竞争法前以垄断方式经营的公司。包括大型公司和小型公司。

CLEC Competitive Local Exchange Carrier 竞争本地交换运营商 -有实力的本地电话公司的竞争对手

competitive local exchange carrier (CLEC), in the , is a  provider company (sometimes called a "") competing with other, already established carriers (generally the  (ILEC)).

 : http://www.cnblogs.com/beniao/archive/2010/04/21/1717215.html

RBOC:Regional Bell Operating Company 区域贝尔运营公司 - 最初是由AT&T公司分出来的七个美国本地电话公司,但近来经过合并,正寻求开发更广泛的业务,包括长途业务.1974年,美国司法部对AT&T垄断电信业进行全面起诉。经过旷日持久的诉讼,1982年美国法院作出称为“终裁修正”的判决,于1984年1月1日生效。据此,AT&T被迫解体,原下属22个贝尔业务运营公司(BOC)经过重新划定本地接入和传输区域(LATA)后,改组为7个地区贝尔运营公司(RBOC,习称为“小贝尔”),它们是:南贝尔、NTNEX、大西洋贝尔、Ameritech、US West、西南贝尔和太平洋贝尔。AT&T解体形成的8家公司.

目前还有3家公司的前身是RBOC:  , and 

NPA(), a three digit area code designated to regions in the North American Numbering Plan (NANP) telephone number system


North_American_Numbering_Plan: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_American_Numbering_Plan

Component Name Number ranges Notes
NPA Allowed ranges: [2–9] for the first digit, and [0-9] for the second and third digits. When the second and third digits of an area code are the same, that code is called an easily recognizable code (ERC). ERCs designate special services; e.g., 888 for toll-free service. The NANP is not assigning area codes with 9 as the second digit. Covers Canada, the United States, parts of the Caribbean Sea, and some Atlantic and Pacific islands. The area code is often enclosed in parentheses.
NXX (exchange) code Allowed ranges: [2–9] for the first digit, and [0–9] for both the second and third digits (however, in geographic area codes the third digit of the exchange cannot be 1 if the second digit is also 1). Often considered part of a subscriber number. The three-digit Central Office codes are assigned to a specific CO serving its customers, but may be physically dispersed by redirection, or forwarding to mobile operators and other services.
xxxx Subscriber Number [0–9] for each of the four digits. This unique four-digit number is the subscriber number or station code.


  • Operating Company Number, in telephony, a code used in various iconectiv telephony products, a major subset of which equate to Company Codes assigned by the (NECA) to telecommunications carriers (including landline, wireless carriers, and resellers of various types).

Speed dial:  Speed dial is a shortcut for phone numbers (for both the internal extensions and external phone numbers).

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